2017中国海宁追潮马拉松 - 2017中国海宁追潮马拉松
请输入证件号码Please enter the ID number


1.谨此声明本人自愿参加2017中国海宁追潮马拉松赛及一切相关活动 I confirm that I am entering the 2017 Haining Marathon at my own choice.
2.本人全面理解并同意遵守组委会及协办机构所制定的各项规定及采取的措施 I fully understand and accept all rules stipulated by the organizers and all related bodies.
3.本人身心健康,适合参加马拉松赛事,已为参赛做好充分准备。本人全面理解参加比赛可能出现的风险,且已准备必要的防范措施 I certify that I am physically and mentally capable of participating the Marathon race. I understand that by participating in the Marathon there might be possible risks and I have already taken proper measures against them.
4.本人愿意承担比赛期间发生的自身意外风险责任。本人同意对于非组委会原因造成的伤害、死亡或其它任何形式的损失不索求任何形式的赔偿 I am entering this event at my own risk and responsibility. I hereby discharge the organizer and any other individuals or organizations connected directly or indirectly with this event from any responsibility in the event of injury, death or loss of property of any kind.
5.本人愿意按照有关要求接受药物检查以及主办方在比赛期间提供的医务治疗 I agree to take a doping test and receive any necessary medical treatment provided by the organizer
6.本人同意在比赛前和比赛期间不得损害,更改及遮盖马拉松官方号码布,否则裁判在发现后有权取消比赛资格 I agree to not damage, cover or alter my number bib in any way before or during the event, otherwise can be disqualified from the race by any referee.
7.本人授权组委会方及其指定媒体无偿使用本人的肖像、姓名、声音和其它个人资料用于赛事的组织和推广之用 I grant permission and assign all rights, title and interest to the organizer to utilize my personal information, appearance, name, voice, bio-data and likeness with the Event in any and all Event organization and promotion activities.
8.本人承诺以自己的名义报名并参加比赛,决不将报名后获得的号码布以任何方式转让他人 I confirm to enter the Event in my own name and will not transfer my number bib to others for any purpose.
9.本人同意向主办方提供有效身份证件和资料用于核实本人的身份,并同意承担因身份证件和资料不实所产生的全部责任 I understand and agree to provide correct and valid ID/passport to verify my personal details to the organizers and agree to take full responsibility of any consequences resulted from incorrect or invalid personal details.
10.本人同意并接受大会免费提供的意外保险 I agree and accept the free insurance provided by the organizer of Marathon.
11.本人或法定代理人已认真阅读并全面理解以上内容,且对上述所有内容予以确认,并承担相应的法律责任 By singing this Entry Form, I and my legal adviser have already read and confirm to accept all the above terms, conditions and points and will take full responsibility.

